1990 In the Herald, Sydney Morning Herald, 19 February, 2016.

Mr Fraser blocks supply
The Herald spoke with Malcolm Fraser, aka ‘‘the Minister’’, a trucker who had instigated a blockade in Wodonga. ‘‘Asked why he was holding the protest, he said it was because of all the trouble interstate drivers are getting from NSW. He felt the public was behind their action and there was some evidence for this as shopkeepers across the road from the picket line were supplying meat and groceries.’’
Mardi Gras in the rain
‘‘The rain bucketed down, turning Oxford Street into a sea of umbrellas dotted with half-naked bodies dancing to disco, writhing to drums or pouting to opera,’’ wrote John Stapleton. ‘‘The night was full of disparate images: a group of 50 women in leather known as Dykes on Bikes revved their machines, wigs drooped and ran in the rain, and King Kong held aloft the woman of his dreams.’’
TAFE strike called off
‘‘A 48-hour strike from tomorrow by TAFE teachers in NSW has been called off after the state government backed down on plans to average teachers’ overtime hours. The government would seek an urgent Industrial Commission hearing so TAFE teachers could be awarded a 3 per cent pay rise, a spokesman for the Minister for Education, Dr Metherell, said yesterday. Up to 17,000 TAFE teachers had planned to strike.’’