Speech at Lone Father’s Conference, Canberra Parliament House, Have Howard’s Family Law Reforms Been A Success?

Speech at Lone Father’s Conference, Canberra Parliament House. Have Howard’s Family Law Reforms Been A Success.

Here are links to the videos for a speech on behalf of Dads On The Air.



Australia’s leading radio program for fathers, Dads on the Air (dadsontheair.net), has slammed the Australian government’s family law reforms as an abject failure. They argue that by flirting with the separated dad vote, by raising the possibility that distraught separated men could get their children back, the Howard government committed emotional abuse on a massive scale. Addressing the Lone Father’s Association conference at Parliament House in Canberra titled “The New Family Law Amendments: Are They the Turning Point?”, the DOTA team said separated fathers were once staunch supporters of the Prime Minister John Howard and the Liberal National Party coalition, believing that they would reform those despised institutions, the Family Court and the Child Support Agency. The DOTA team said the Howard government’s wishy washy “shared responsibility” bill was not strong enough to change the Family Court’s entrenched single mother bias; and by ignoring all the latest sociological data detailing the importance of fathers in children’s lives, had failed a generation of parents and children. “Instead of listening to the people, to the massive support for joint custody aka shared parenting as the norm post divorce, instead of listening to the strong support in the media for ending the rotten debacle of family law and remedying the harm being done to this country’s children, the Howard government chose instead to listen to the elite “liberal” opinion of the so-called experts, who have always been ideologically opposed to fathers, believing they are unnecessary in the modern family. John Howard blew an historic opportunity to fix this problem once and for all.”