Burrow salutes wharfie picket – IR BATTLEGROUND, Weekend Australian, 2 June, 2007

Burrow salutes wharfie picket – IR BATTLEGROUND: [2 All-round First Edition]

Stapleton, JohnWeekend Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 02 June 2007: 6.
  1. Full text
ACTU president Sharan Burrow yesterday lent her support to picketing wharfies at Wollongong’s Port Kembla, telling them to stand their ground or shipping companies would be encouraged to replace local stevedores with foreign crew.
Transport Minister Mark Vaile said Port Kembla exemplified the nation’s fate if Mr Rudd won the next election. “The unions will be in control of Australia,” Mr Vaile said.

Full Text

ACTU president Sharan Burrow yesterday lent her support to picketing wharfies at Wollongong’s Port Kembla, telling them to stand their ground or shipping companies would be encouraged to replace local stevedores with foreign crew.
The ship at the centre of the dispute, the Italian-owned, Maltese- flagged ship MV Capo Noli, has been unable to unload its cargo of South Australian gypsum destined for a Boral cement factory, since Tuesday.
“If this company got away with this, it could mean a thousand jobs or more across the country overnight,” Ms Burrow said.
At its national conference earlier this year, Labor vowed to review the number of foreign ships given licence to work local routes if it won the election.
This week’s dispute is not the first time maritime unions have done battle with CSL, the company that chartered the Capo Noli.
The Howard Government introduced laws exempting foreign crews from Australian award conditions after the unions won a landmark case against the company in 2003.
CSL was last night awaiting a decision from the Federal Court after seeking an injunction banning unionists from the dock and forcing them to move a hopper to allow unloading.
Transport Minister Mark Vaile said Port Kembla exemplified the nation’s fate if Mr Rudd won the next election. “The unions will be in control of Australia,” Mr Vaile said.