Pru Goward Special, Dads On The Air, 6 March, 2007.

TUESDAY 6 MARCH 2007 11-12.00 AM AND ONLINE – Saturday, February 10, 2007

Our show for the 6 March is a Pru Goward special. The former Sex Discrimination Commissioner is running in this month’s NSW election for the Liberal Party in the seat of Goulburn. We ask why any bloke would vote for Goward. As Commissioner she never had a good word for men, famously saying during the family law debates they would need an auto-cue to remember the names of their children. This sort of insulting abuse was typical of her. She used her office as Sex Discrimination Commissioner to promote a ceaseless stream of feminist causes and not once took up the cudgels on behalf of the many issues impacting on men,  from their shortened lifespans, their poor mental and physical health outcomes, their lack of success in the education system, or their brutal mistreatment by the Child Support Agency and the Family Court. Goward ran a taxpayer funded campaign for maternity pay, which has led to the Government handing out $5,000 of your money to women after a baby is born. This policy payed no attention to styles of family formation and as a result there are now reportedly poor communities in Australia where every girl over 12 is pregnant. This ridiculous policy has encouraged teenage pregnancy, promoted welfare dependence and increased reliance on government, rather than encouraging people to plan and make sensible decisions about when to start a family. After all, $5,000 seems like a lot of money to a poorly educated 13-year-old. So we ask again: Why would any bloke vote for Pru Goward? Ms Goward has declined an offer to come on the show. These people are never prepared to debate out in the open. For this we pay taxes.
LISTEN LIVE TO NEXT WEEK’S SHOW: TUESDAY 6 MARCH 2007. 89.3 FM 2GLF 11AM – 12 NOON. – Friday, November 10, 2006

Don’t miss our show for the 27th, where we interview Terry Hicks, who through no fault of his own has become perhaps Australia‘s most famous father. His son David has been rotting in one of the world’s worst prisons, Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, for the past five years, without trial, mentally tortured through isolation and allegedly physically mistreated as well. Captured by the Americans in Afghanistan for allegedly acting as a foot soldier for the Taliban, one of the reasons PM John Howard gave for not trYing to get David Hicks returned to Australia was that he could not be charged here because he had not committed a crime against Australian law. Howard’s abandonment of an Australian citizen has blown up in his face, with increasing outrage across the counry over the fact that Hicks was held for so long without even being charged.& 

Next program: 11.00am 6 MARCH 2007 – Thursday, November 09, 2006

If you’ve missed our recent shows they can be heard in easily downloadable MP3 format from this site. Our show on the 20th of Februay features an interview with one of the world’s leading commentators on gender issues, Dr Warren Farrell, author of The Myth of Male Power and Father and Child Reunion. After technical difficulties last time around, this is the second part of the interview. He is excllent radio talent. Dr. Farrell began his research on gender issues in the ‘60s. His first book, The Liberated Man, was published in 1974. It was from a feminist perspective. By the ‘80s, he began noticing that men were feeling misrepresented, and his award-winning national best-seller, Why Men Are The Way They Are, was written to answer women’s questions about men in a way that rings true for men. By the ‘90s, Dr. Farrell felt the misunderstandings about men had deepened and become dangerous to the survival of families. He confronted the misunderstandings head-on with the award-winning The Myth of Male Power. His books are published in over 50 countries in 13 languages. By the turn of the century Dr. Farrell wanted to provide the sexes with the tools to communicate– in particular to hear personal criticism from a loved one, especially when given badly. That was the take-off point for Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say, a selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club. By 2001 Dr. Farrell completed research he had been working on for 13 years on the conditions under which children of divorce are most likely to be raised successfully. That book, Father and Child Reunion, promoted ground breaking research. And don’t miss our last show for 2006, which featured an extremely moving interview with Australian father of the year Ron Delezio. 

NEXT SHOW: 11.00am TUESDAY6 MARCH 2007 – Friday, September 01, 2006

Dads On The Air began with a small group of disgruntled separated men in
August, 2000 and has since gone on to attract a team of people with
extensive journalistic, entertainment and internet experience. A three hour time slot for local Liverpool community radio station 2GLF became available in 2000. DOTA was born when management suggested that three hours of dads issues was wearing for the audience and we were forced to focus into a one hour period. 

Dads On
The Air is registered as a not-for-profit group with the NSW
Department of Fair Trading. The show played a pivotal role in the
debate over family law reform, acting as a conduit for groups and
individuals who could not get their voices heard in the mainstream
media. As the years have passed DOTA has widened its focus
to cover broader social issues concerning parenthood and gender issues
and to promote a positive view of fathers and fatherhood.
The program has attracted leading politicians, authors, accademics and lobbyists
both from Australia and around the world and has carved out a niche for itself internationally, growing up in a period when . 
DOTA has been fortunate to attract talent during a period when there has been DOTA can be heard from the coast to the mountains across Sydney, Australia, each Tuesday morning. It is Australia’s leading program dedicated to issues concerning fathers and those who care about them.

Dads On The Air Tuesday 37 February 2007 – Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We welcome original contributions from individuals and groups around Australia, including music and interviews or other segments for broadcast. Press releases, public notices, other material for broadcast or expressions of interest can be sent to the [email protected] or [email protected] As well, if you have any journalistic experience, live in Australia and would like to do some voluntary work for Dads On The Air please contact us. Dads On The Air can be heard live across Sydney each Tuesday, around the world via live-streaming from the 2GLF website or from this site in easily downloadable MP3 format.
The program is archived by the National Library of Australia and for
researchers represents the most extensive collection of information on
the push for family law and child support reform in Australia. An entertaining mix of news, interviews, commentary and music, veering rapidly from warm and fuzzy to stuttering outrage with good humour at the heart, it also
documents the history of the fatherhood movement in Australia and
internationally, providing an insight from within and without.