Tour starts at end of month, Weekend Australian, 12 February, 2005.

Tour starts at end of month: [1 All-round Country Edition]

Weekend Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 12 Feb 2005: 10.
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The prince will attend receptions hosted by Governor-General Michael Jeffery in Canberra, the Governor of Victoria John Landy in Melbourne, and the Governor of NSW Marie Bashir in Sydney.

PRINCE Charles is due to fly into Perth on February 28 for the start of his Australian tour without Camilla Parker Bowles.
The prince’s six-day visit will be his 13th to Australia, the last trip being in 1994.
Only the barest details of the itinerary have been released so far. On March 2 he will travel to Alice Springs, then Melbourne, Sydney on the 4th and Canberra on the 5th.
From Canberra, Charles will depart for New Zealand and then Fiji.
The prince will attend receptions hosted by Governor-General Michael Jeffery in Canberra, the Governor of Victoria John Landy in Melbourne, and the Governor of NSW Marie Bashir in Sydney.
Newspapers in Tasmania and South Australia have run stories critical of the fact the prince is giving their states a miss.
A spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Department said details of the visit were still being finalised.
John Stapleton