Foster takes on Cherie, The Australian, 6 April, 2004.

Foster takes on Cherie: [3 All-round Metro Edition]

John Stapleton, David NasonThe Australian; Canberra, A.C.T. [Canberra, A.C.T] 06 Apr 2004: 3.
  1. Full text
FIRST he accused Tony Blair of having an affair with his one- time girlfriend, and now convicted conman Peter Foster has claimed the British Prime Minister’s wife, [Cherie], kept secret offshore bank accounts.

Full Text

FIRST he accused Tony Blair of having an affair with his one- time girlfriend, and now convicted conman Peter Foster has claimed the British Prime Minister’s wife, Cherie, kept secret offshore bank accounts.
The latest unsubstantiated allegations — which Foster claims can be backed by documents that he refuses to release — centre on the so-called Cheriegate affair.
Foster, who has been jailed three times, said the Blairs had been less than truthful over the assistance he had given them.
“I think the real issue is her financial dealings,” he said. “Cherie has or uses offshore trusts in the Caribbean.”
He learned of the trusts, he claimed on the ABC’s Enough Rope last night, when he was helping Mrs Blair buy two flats in Bristol.
“I am not in the business of bringing down the Blairs, I don’t want to be seen to be vengeful,” he said.