Moti to be freed from jail after vendetta claim, The Australian, 7 January, 2008.

Moti to be freed from jail after vendetta claim: [7 NSW First Edition]

John Stapleton, Kevin MeadeThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 07 Jan 2008: 5.
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Mr [Julian Moti], a barrister who was born in Fiji but is an Australian citizen, was arrested by Australian Federal Police when he arrived in Brisbane on December 27. He faces seven charges under the Child Sex Tourism Act relating to the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl in Vanuatu in 1997. Mr Moti has never entered a plea on the charges and has publicly denied the accusations.

FORMER Solomons attorney-general Julian Moti, who is facing child sex charges from incidents alleged to have occurred more than a decade ago, is expected to be released from jail in Brisbane today.
Mr Moti was granted bail by a Brisbane court on Friday after claiming that he was a victim of a vendetta by the AustralianGovernment.
He was a staunch critic of Australia’s peacekeeping mission and its intervention in the affairs of the Solomon Islands.
Magistrate Jacqui Payne granted bail on the condition Mr Moti’s Brisbane-based uncle, James Jarju, provide a $100,000 surety. She allowed bail on condition Mr Moti, 42, live at his parents’ home in Sydney, not leave Australia, surrender his passport and report daily topolice.
Mr Moti, a barrister who was born in Fiji but is an Australian citizen, was arrested by Australian Federal Police when he arrived in Brisbane on December 27. He faces seven charges under the Child Sex Tourism Act relating to the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl in Vanuatu in 1997. Mr Moti has never entered a plea on the charges and has publicly denied the accusations. On Friday, his lawyer, Chistopher Nyst, told the court his client believed the charges were motivated by political intrigue.