Brothels seek staying power as tenants get restless, The Australian, 23 February, 2005

Brothels seek staying power as tenants get restless: [2 All-round First Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian; Canberra, A.C.T. [Canberra, A.C.T] 23 Feb 2005: 3.
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“This is a landmark case and has broad implications for all owners and residents of residential apartments in NSW,” said Liberal councillor for Waverley Kerryn Sloan.
Ms [Annelise Tuor] heard stories of a repeatedly vandalised foyer and lift, female residents frightened to come home late at night, stairwells smelling like urinals, scantily clad prostitutes running between floors, residents unable to sleep because of the noise, landlords unable to get decent tenants and “heavies” hanging around outside the building.
Ms Sloan said the scandal was made worse by the fact that Mr [Paul Pearce] had his electoral office literally next door to a brothel and had done nothing to stop their proliferation. She said Labor members of council used to laugh at her and other Liberal councillors when they raised the issue.

RESIDENTS of a prominent Sydney apartment block are left in no doubt about what is going on behind the doors of some of theneighbours.
Misty’s, for instance, declares on its front door that it is “Licensed to Thrill” and its advertising suggests it has “fifty ladies!”
Another brothel, Michelle’s, says it takes American Express, Visa and Mastercard and its advertising boasts “erotic massage, eight private luxurious apartments and 45 ladies”.
Yet another operator, Sara’s, suggests to clients “pushed for time” to “ask about our express rate”.
All three brothels in Bondi Junction are taking legal action in the NSW Land and Environment Court in a bid to keep operating in theblock, which also houses the offices of the Labor state member Paul Pearce.
The brothels are appealing against the local council’s efforts to close them.
If successful, Michelle’s, Misty’s and Sara’s will operate 24 units as brothels, 32per cent of the entire block.
“This is a landmark case and has broad implications for all owners and residents of residential apartments in NSW,” said Liberal councillor for Waverley Kerryn Sloan.
“If the Land and Environment Court rules in favour of brothels operating in residential apartment blocks, one could be on your doorstep tomorrow.”
Ms Sloan said the brothels were operating “without council permission, without strata corporation permission and above the law”.
Yesterday, Commissioner Annelise Tuor took evidence at the block, hearing from absentee landlords and residents opposed to theoperation of the brothels.
Ms Tuor heard stories of a repeatedly vandalised foyer and lift, female residents frightened to come home late at night, stairwells smelling like urinals, scantily clad prostitutes running between floors, residents unable to sleep because of the noise, landlords unable to get decent tenants and “heavies” hanging around outside the building.
Ms Sloan said the scandal was made worse by the fact that Mr Pearce had his electoral office literally next door to a brothel and had done nothing to stop their proliferation. She said Labor members of council used to laugh at her and other Liberal councillors when they raised the issue.
“Residents have been living under extreme duress as thugs cluster around the building, scantily clad girls run up and down common property and residents’ laundries have been converted to wash soiled brothel linen while syringes litter common property areas.”