Locals pour scorn on timing of the find, The Australian, 9 February, 2006.

Locals pour scorn on timing of the find: [1 All-round Country Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 09 Feb 2006: 6.
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George Yanelli, general manager of Leonay’s golf course, which is next to the oval where the drilling took place, said locals were cynical. “I am very happy they found water and can solve the problems of the world,” he said. “Coincidentally, it helps solve many problems for the Iemma Government.”

RESIDENTS of Leonay woke yesterday to find they were sitting atop a solution to one of the NSW Government’s biggest problems.
Beneath the Hills hoists and rose gardens of the outer-western Sydney suburb is 15billion litres of water in an untapped aquifer. Surveyors found a similar amount near Kangaloon in the Southern Highlands.
The discovery has given the Iemma Government the perfect out from the unpopular plans for a $500million desalination plant it announced to solve the city’s water problems.
But George Yanelli, general manager of Leonay’s golf course, which is next to the oval where the drilling took place, said locals were cynical. “I am very happy they found water and can solve the problems of the world,” he said. “Coincidentally, it helps solve many problems for the Iemma Government.”
Residents said they were only told last month that drilling would begin on January 11. A letter was sent to just a few households. Pamela Karve, who lives near the bore, said it came “out of the blue” without consultation.
Real Estate agent Heather Gall said: “Forty years ago, when this area was more rural, the older properties always had bores and wells. I have always assumed there was water here. I don’t believe the Government only found this out a couple of weeks ago.”