Racial unity important – WAR ON TERROR, The Australian, 18 September, 2001.

Racial unity important – WAR OF TERROR – IN MEMORIAM: [1 Edition]

falseStapleton, John. The Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 18 Sep 2001: 5.
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RACE-Discrimination Commissioner William Jonas yesterday called on talkback radio hosts to avoid inflaming sections of the community and fanning racial tension.
“But our shock does not justify vengeful scapegoating of fellow Australians of the Islamic faith or Middle-Eastern origin.

RACE-Discrimination Commissioner William Jonas yesterday called on talkback radio hosts to avoid inflaming sections of the community and fanning racial tension.
“But our shock does not justify vengeful scapegoating of fellow Australians of the Islamic faith or Middle-Eastern origin.

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RACE-Discrimination Commissioner William Jonas yesterday called on talkback radio hosts to avoid inflaming sections of the community and fanning racial tension.
Dr Jonas said in a statement that during testing times it was important for politicians and commentators to show strong moral leadership. He condemned threats against Muslims and their property.
“Our expectation that we will live in freedom from arbitrary acts of terror has been shattered,” Dr Jonas said.
“But our shock does not justify vengeful scapegoating of fellow Australians of the Islamic faith or Middle-Eastern origin.
“It is unacceptable to make targets of people who have no links with the terrorists and who, in fact, share with all of us a horror of what has occurred.”
At the weekend Dr Jones warned editors and producers of their obligations under the racial-discrimination and racial-hatred laws.
Meanwhile, a Roy Morgan poll published in this week’s Bulletin magazine, has found significant support among people in the US, the UK, Australia and New Zealand for retaliation only if it is directed at military targets.