Red Alert: The Story of Redfern’s Fight to Stop Needles Next to Children, Project Incomplete, Pages 1-10, 2005.

I started writing Red Alert and collecting material with the idea of doing a short book on what happened in Redfern.
I also wrote most of the press releases involved.
The project was never completed.
The proposed centre was only two doors from where I was living with my then school aged children. 
There were more than 50 kids living within a short radius of the proposed needle and methadone centre.
Part of the idea of putting this together was to ensure that no other community would have to endure what this community endured under the dictates of departmental bureaucrats, that lessons could be learned.
I understand that this case is still studied today as one of the only examples of a community group overthrowing the wishes of the NSW Health Department, who despite their typical pretense at community consultation were determined to push ahead until the media odium forced them to back down.
Redfern has rapidly gentrified in the years since.