Smuggler hears fate, The Australian, 2 August, 2005.

Smuggler hears fate: [1 All-round Country Edition]

falseStapleton, John. The Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 02 Aug 2005: 6.
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[Stephen Sutton] was accused of being a drug courier for a syndicate impregnating suitcases with cocaine to smuggle the drug from South America. Only after a website for the Foreign Prisoner Support Service revealed Sutton’s plight was a trial date set.

[Stephen Sutton] was accused of being a drug courier for a syndicate impregnating suitcases with cocaine to smuggle the drug from South America. Only after a website for the Foreign Prisoner Support Service revealed Sutton’s plight was a trial date set.

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AN Australian man who languished without charge in an Argentinian jail for 2 1/2 years for alleged involvement in a cocaine smuggling operation has finally been sentenced after an internet campaign to bring attention to his plight.
Stephen Sutton, from Lithgow, west of Sydney, was arrested in 2003 after a joint operation between Australian and Argentinian police. On Friday, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.
Sutton was among nine people arrested in Argentina. Five more were arrested in raids in Sydney.
Sutton was accused of being a drug courier for a syndicate impregnating suitcases with cocaine to smuggle the drug from South America. Only after a website for the Foreign Prisoner Support Service revealed Sutton’s plight was a trial date set.
Sutton’s sister, Ann Cluse, said the Australian Government gave support to high-profile cases such as Schapelle Corby but ignored people such as her brother with no media profile.