St George gives staff grandparents’ leave, The Australian, 8 June, 2007.

St George gives staff grandparents’ leave: [2 All-round First Edition]

Brad Norington, John StapletonThe Australian; Canberra, A.C.T. [Canberra, A.C.T] 08 June 2007: 6.
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The move marks growing recognition of grandparents’ role in bringing up children. St George already provides 13 weeks’ paid parental leave. The legal minimum is 12 months’ unpaid leave.
St George’s move indicates that employers accept a need to respond to a growing shortage of skills and experience among Australia’s ageing workforce.
The other benefit is the joy for grandparents to be able to play a part in their (grandchildren’s) upbringing.”

THE role of grandparents in bringing up children has been given official recognition, with St George Bank giving its staff access to 12 months’ unpaid leave to bring up grandchildren.
In an attempt to retain older staff among its 8500-strong workforce and promote a family-friendly workplace, St George yesterday announced that employees could take a year off to help care for their grandchildren.
The move marks growing recognition of grandparents’ role in bringing up children. St George already provides 13 weeks’ paid parental leave. The legal minimum is 12 months’ unpaid leave.
The bank, headed by chief executive Gail Kelly, announced that the 12 months’ unpaid leave for grandparents could be taken under flexible rules in which staff worked a shorter week.
Other options included staff working two months on and then two months off, or working six months in a year.
“Staff can work out with their families what works best and St George will work with them to accommodate their needs,” the bank said.
St George’s move indicates that employers accept a need to respond to a growing shortage of skills and experience among Australia’s ageing workforce.
Eleanor Hutton, chief of St George’s head office corporate secretariat for the past 13 years, is the grandmother of two-year- old Kierra and three-month-old Mikayla.
The idea of grandparental leave is wonderful for people who are fortunate enough to have that option available to them and theflexibility to do it,” she said.
The other benefit is the joy for grandparents to be able to play a part in their (grandchildren’s) upbringing.”