Two escape crash unscathed, The Australian, 4 January, 2001.

Two escape crash unscathed: [1 Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian [Canberra, A.C.T] 04 Jan 2001: 5.
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There was almost nothing left of the Toyota Camry caught between a truck and its trailer as it turned a corner yesterday. The car roof was caved in, a tyre was halfway up the back window and it was covered with the load of dirt from the truck.
The shaken truck driver said a blown tyre had caused the accident.. He did not wish to be named. “I just thank Christ the people weren’t killed,” he said.

IT was impossible to believe anyone could have lived through the bizarre accident at the end of Sydney’s Anzac Bridge.
There was almost nothing left of the Toyota Camry caught between a truck and its trailer as it turned a corner yesterday. The car roof was caved in, a tyre was halfway up the back window and it was covered with the load of dirt from the truck.
Yet as emergency workers, police and traffic inspectors picked over the wreckage, the car’s two passengers sat quietly in a bus shelter nearby. Unlike at so many accidents during the carnage of this holiday season, ambulance officers had little to do.
Car driver Aimin Liu, 35, a worker at the Flemington fruit markets, looked pale with shock but bore only a few scratches on one hand. “I thought I was going to die,” he said.
He had no clear idea how the accident had happened. “The truck was behind my car. I just got into another lane — I don’t know what happened.”
One astonished rescue worker said: “The amazing thing is they walked away.”
Police spokesman Greg Williams said there was nothing to suggest speed had been involved. It looked as if the truck’s heavy load had shifted, causing theevents.
But the shaken truck driver said a blown tyre had caused the accident.. He did not wish to be named. “I just thank Christ the people weren’t killed,” he said.
The truck demolished a low brick wall on the side of the bridge and its wheels were left teetering on the edge. Rail workers were busy yesterday afternoon cleaning the bricks off railway lines.
Caption: Wrecked: Picture: Chris Pavlich; Photo: Photo