Weather map offers no relief – DAY 11: NO RESPITE, The Australian, 4 January, 2002.

Weather map offers no relief – DAY 11: NO RESPITE: [1 Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian; Canberra, A.C.T. [Canberra, A.C.T] 04 Jan 2002: 2.
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Temperatures in Sydney reached 28C on the coast and 30C in the western suburbs yesterday. Today is expected to be much thesame — dry, gusty and reasonably hot, with 26C on the coast and 30C inland.
Monday is the next most dangerous day, with temperatures expected to hit 39C in western Sydney and 33C closer to the coast. A total fire ban is in force throughout NSW, with high to very high fire danger.

THERE is no rain in sight. While the weekend is expected to be slightly cooler than the extreme conditions earlier this week , this good fortune is not expected to last.
Forecasts for next Monday are for fire conditions to be as bad as ever, with hot, dry and gusty conditions hindering firefighters.
The present extreme fire conditions across coastal NSW are due to a rare repeating pattern of slow-moving low pressure systems in the Southern Ocean.
A new low pressure system expected to track across Tasmania early next week is the third such virtually identical system in a row.
Temperatures in Sydney reached 28C onthecoast and 30C inthewestern suburbs yesterday. Today is expected to be muchthesame — dry, gusty and reasonably hot, with 26C onthecoast and 30C inland.       
A southerly change predicted to come through Sydney and surrounding regions late today is unlikely to bring relief, with no rain forecast. The southerly could change the direction of flames and cause more problems.
Monday isthenext most dangerous day, with temperatures expected to hit 39C in western Sydney and 33C closer tothecoast. A total fire ban is in force throughout NSW, with high to very high fire danger.    
Caption: Maps ‘NSW emergency’ and ‘Sydney’ and table ‘Roads closed last night’ available – see image for details; Photo: MapTable