Whales The Australian 18 May 2007

MAY 18 2007
John Stapleton
WHALES are being needlessly slaughtered because of the Howard government’s indifference and it’s failure to act on legal advice which could bring whaling to a stop either through the International Court of Justice or the International Tribunal Law of the Sea.
Shadow Environment Minister Peter Garrett made the claim after arriving at the official launch of the Sydney Whale Festival and whale watching season on board a cabin cruiser with a giant inflatable whale strapped to the top.
He said the Howard government had ignored advice from the Sydney Legal Panel, a group of lawyers and academics headed by Professor Don Rothwell from Sydney University which was formed to try and overcome the legal loophole by which Japan is continuing to slaughter more than 17,000 Minke, 800 Humpback and another 800 Fin whales.
Japan’s claims the slaughter is for scientific purposes has been met with widespread scepticism.
The Panel released advice this week suggesting Japan could be stopped from the practice through international forums.
“The Howard Government has dismissed the expert legal advice with the excuse that all legal options have been considered,” Mr Garrett said. “Australians clearly want the Government to pull out all stops to end the barbaric slaughter of whales for all time.
“The view of the public are clear, and importantly the legal advice is crystal clear.
“That’s why it’s so disappointing the the Howard Government is sidelining itself at a crucial time in the fight against illegal whaling.”
Mr Garrett said four out of five Australians were opposed to whaling according to a recent poll and Labor was committed to pulling out all stops in the international courts to stop the slaughter.
“It is expected that pro-whaling nations will redouble their campaign to resume commercial whaling when the International Whaling Commission meets in Alaska later this month,” he said. “Japan has already announced that it will extend its `scientific’ slaughter to target Humpbacks when it resumes whaling later this year.”
Mr Garrett said Humpbacks were the lifeblood of Australia’s booming $300 million whale-watching industry and the Howard Government’s indifference threatened both the animals themselves and the prosperity of coastal communities.
Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull denied the claims. “There is no country in the world which has been more resolute, determined and active in its opposition to all forms of whaling,” he said. “We are very committed to opposing whaling. It has been an iconic part of Australia’s environment policy.”