Youngsters call pot black, The Australian, 19 February, 2007.

Youngsters call pot black: [1 All-round Country Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian; Canberra, A.C.T. [Canberra, A.C.T] 19 Feb 2007: 7.
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The latest Pfizer Australia Health Research Report, due for release today, shows that 78per cent of those younger than 30 believed there were social problems associated with cannabis and 77 per cent believed authorities should run a public…

MANY young people now regard smoking marijuana as dangerous, addictive and decidedly uncool.
The latest Pfizer Australia Health Research Report, due for release today, shows that 78per cent of those younger than 30 believed there were social problems associated with cannabis and 77 per cent believed authorities should run a public health campaign about the effects of cannabis.
The findings come before the establishment of a National Cannabis Centre by the federal Government.
The research was conducted as part of the regular report, with the questions on attitudes to cannabis prepared by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
The survey canvassed 1500 people older than 18 last August.