Youth held over boy’s bashing, The Australian, 8 November, 2001.

Youth held over boy’s bashing: [1 Edition]

Stapleton, JohnThe Australian; Canberra, A.C.T. [Canberra, A.C.T] 08 Nov 2001: 2.
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POLICE arrested a 17-year-old youth yesterday in connection with the bashing of 12-year-old Sydney boy Max Connley in his bedroom early on Saturday morning.
Max is unconscious in a serious condition in Sydney Children’s Hospital. His skull was fractured in the assault.

POLICE arrested a 17-year-old youth yesterday in connection with the bashing of 12-year-old Sydney boy Max Connley in his bedroom early on Saturday morning.
Max is unconscious in a serious condition in Sydney Children’s Hospital. His skull was fractured in the assault.
A hospital spokeswoman said his family, who have been maintaining a bedside vigil, have not yet been able to speak to him, but his condition was thought to be improving.
Police said last night the arrested youth was assisting them with their inquiries. Charges had not been laid.
The boy’s father, Barry Connley, who found his son in agony on the floor of his bedroom about 2am on Saturday, said the family was distraught but were hopeful he would regain consciousness.
Max was due to realise a longtime dream of playing cricket for his school on the weekend he was bashed.
Police said yesterday a number of items had been stolen from the boy’s bedroom, including a CD mini-sound system worth about $100.
The investigation is being led by detectives at Waverley, in Sydney’s east.
Gavin Wood, acting crime manager at the station, said the attack had caused outrage and heartache throughout the community.
“You can’t help but feel a little bit emotional about it,” Mr Wood said.
“I don’t think you’d be human if you didn’t … a 12-year-old boy so cowardly injured.”